Trial Condition(s):


A study to learn how safe study drug BAY2413555 is, how it affects the body, and how it moves into, through, and out of the body over 4 weeks of use in participants with heart failure and implanted cardiac defibrillator or cardiac resynchronization devices (ICD/CRT) (REMOTE-HF)

Bayer Identifier:

20623 Identifier:


EudraCT Number:


EU CT Number:

Not Available




BAY2413555 是一种正在开发用于治疗心力衰竭的新化合物。心力衰竭是一种出现心脏泵血不足的严重疾病。BAY2413555 有望保护心脏,改善心脏功能。

本研究的主要目的是了解 BAY2413555 与安慰剂相比在患有慢性心力衰竭和植入心脏除颤器或心脏再同步装置 (ICD/CRT) 的参与者中的安全性。安慰剂与治疗药物的外观相同,但是不含任何药物成分。ICD/CRT 是放置在体内的机器,其使用电击/脉冲以重置心脏或使其正常跳动。为了研究安全性,研究人员将在开始研究治疗后记录参与者在研究期间可能遇到的所有医疗问题。参与者开始治疗后发生的医疗问题也称为“治疗期间出现的不良事件”(TEAE)。本研究将比较服用 BAY2413555 的参与者和服用安慰剂的参与者的 TEAE。

The second purpose of this study is to learn whether BAY2413555 effects electrical signals inside the heart compared to placebo.

该研究分为 A 和 B 两个部分。每个部分将持续两周。在 A 部分,参与者将被随机分配,每天口服一次 BAY2413555 片剂或安慰剂。根据预先定义的标准不需要停止研究的 A 部分参与者继续参与 B 部分。他们将被随机分配,服用与 A 部分相同剂量或更高剂量的 BAY2413555。在 A 部分服用安慰剂的参与者也将被分配到 B 部分。

每位参与者参与研究的时间大约为 90 日(包括筛选期和随访期)。在研究中,参与者将服用研究药物 28 日。计划对研究地点进行 8 次访视和 1 次电话联系访视。在研究期间,研究团队将:
•    do physical examinations
•    check vital signs
•    examine heart health using ECG
•    check the participants’ ICD/CRT information
•    take exercise testing
•    take blood and urine samples
•    ask the participants questions about how they are feeling about their quality of life
•    ask the participants questions about how they are feeling and what

在参与者接受最后一次治疗后大约 30 日,研究医生及其团队将检查参与者的健康状况。

- Providing signed informed consent
- Diagnosis of heart failure lasting for at least 3 months, New York Heart Association (NYHA) functional class I-III prior to Visit 1
- Left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) ≤ 45% as documented by any imaging modality within the past 12 months prior to Visit 1
- Treatment with Guideline-Directed Medical Therapy Including with mandatory betablocker treatment with either Metoprolol, Carvedilol, Bisoprolol or Nebivolol on stable, highest individually tolerated dose for at least 2 weeks prior to Visit 1
- Implanted cardiac defibrillator (ICD) with pacemaker backup function OR cardiac resynchronization device (CRT)
-- first implantation at least 3 months prior to Visit 1
- Permanent atrial fibrillation or other than Sinus rhythm at Visit 1
- History of higher degree atrioventricular (AV) block (Mobitz type II or third-degree AV block) within 4 weeks prior to Visit 1
- Indication for or planned procedure:
-- Planned cardiac surgery, carotid angioplasty or surgery, transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) or mitral valve clipping within 3 months starting from the Screening Visit
-- Percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI), coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) or implantation of a cardiac resynchronization therapy defibrillator device indicated at Screening or planned within 3 months starting from the Screening Visit
-- Valvular Disease Repair indicated at Screening or planned within 3 months starting from the Screening Visit.
- Occurrence of any of the following within 4 weeks prior to Visit 1:
-- Myocardial infarction
-- Stroke or transient ischemic attack (TIA)
-- coronary artery bypass graft (CABG)
-- percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI)
-- Carotid angioplasty
-- Ablation therapy of atrial fibrillation or other rhythm abnormalities
- Heart rate (HR) > 100 bpm at Screening Visit
- Restrictive, infiltrative or hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, constrictive pericarditis, acute myocarditis within 3 months prior to Visit 1
- Malignancy of the hematological system within 5 years prior to the Screening Visit
- Listed for heart transplantation and/or anticipated implantation of a ventricular assist device at the Screening Visit
- Hepatic insufficiency classified as Child-Pugh B or C at the Screening Visit
- Estimated (according to the investigator’s judgement) inability to perform exercise testing
- Any of the following from the blood sample taken at the Screening Visit
-- Estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) < 30 mL/min/1.73 m^2 (calculated according to the Chronic Kidney Disease Epidemiology Collaboration [CKD-EPI] equation)
-- Hemoglobin < 11 g/dL 
-- White blood cell (WBC) < 3000/mm^3
-- Thrombocytes < 100 000/mm^3
- Currently receiving or planned to receive dialysis or ultrafiltration
- Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) Stage 3 or 4 (GOLD criteria), requiring treatment, or symptomatic asthma requiring current treatment
- Prior or concomitant therapy with cytochrome P450 isoenzyme 3A4 (CYP3A4) inhibitors or inducers. 
    Relevant substances need to be discontinued
-- at least 2 weeks before randomization for CYP3A4 inducers
-- at least 5 half-lives before randomization for CYP3A4 inhibitors
    Restarting of these therapies is possible 28 days after last intake of study intervention. This criterion also applies to other inhibitors of CYP3A4, e.g., grapefruit.
    Prior and concomitant therapy with amiodarone is allowed.
- Concomitant treatment with acetylcholine esterase inhibitors within 4 weeks prior to Visit 1
- Use of other investigational drugs. Previous (within 4 weeks, or 5 half-lives of the investigational drug, whichever is longer, prior to Visit 1) or concomitant participation in another clinical study with investigational medicinal product(s) or device(s)
- Life expectancy < 6 months at the Screening Visit


Enrollment Goal
Trial Dates
Accepts Healthy Volunteers



Pratia | Klinische Forschung Dresden

Dresden, Germany, 01069


White Oak Medical Center

Silver Spring, United States, 20904


Capital Area Research, LLC

Camp Hill, United States, 17011


Accel Research Sites - Atlanta Clinical Research Center

Atlanta, United States, 30342


Humanitas Research Hospital | Cardio Center - Clinical, Interventional Cardiology and Coronary Care

Milano, Italy, 20089


Fondazione Toscana Gabriele Monasterio | Heart Hospital Gaetano Pasquinucci - Cardiology Department

Pisa, Italy, 56124


Hospital del Mar | Cardiology Department

Barcelona, Spain, 08003


Hospital Alvaro Cunqueiro | Cardiology Department

Babio - Beade, Spain, 36312


Hospital General Universitario de Valencia

Valencia, Spain, 46014


Hospital Universitario Virgen de la Victoria | Cardiology Department

Málaga, Spain, 29010


Junta de Andalucía | University Hospital Reina Sofia - Cardiology Department

Córdoba, Spain, 14004


Hospital Universitari de Bellvitge | Bellvitge Biomedical Research Institute - Cardiology Department

Barcelona, Spain, 08907


Capital Region | Gentofte Hospital - Cardiology Research

Hellerup, Denmark, 2900


Zealand University Hospital | Roskilde - Cardiology Department

Roskilde, Denmark, 4000


Odense Universitetshospital, Hjertemedicinsk Amb.

Odense C, Denmark, 5000


Rambam Health Care Campus | Internal Medicine - Cardiology Department

Haifa, Israel, 3109601


Barzilai Ashkelon University Medical Center | Cardiology Department

Ashkelon, Israel, 7830604


Ziv Medical Center | Cardiology Department

Zefat, Israel, 1311001
